
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Criminal Investigations into Harvey Weinstein

This article by Think Progress titled "The criminal investigations into Harvey Weinstein" discusses the ongoing case of Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein who has allegedly sexually harassed or assaulted nearly 60 women. This article was written by author Jessica M. Goldstein. Goldstein uses critical evidence to show the multiple cases and women who have confessed to being sexually offended by Weinstein. On multiple occasions women talk about the way they felt objectified because of the way Weinstein addressed them. Acting with these women in such an inappropriate manner has put Weinstein in a compromising position for his career and his future. Goldstein uses appropriate evidence from the NYPD, the UK police, and even the LAPD, to provide evidence into the ongoing cases against Weinstein. She references women from the past three decades who have been paid to drop charges or keep their mouths shut in order for Weinstein's freedom. The author compares Weinstein to othe

If Only Stephen Paddock Were a Muslim

In the recent article written by Thomas L. Friedman titled "If Only Stephen Paddock Were a Muslim" , Friedman discusses the unquestionable and active choice that legislators and the president are making to avoid changes in the gun control policy. After the unfortunate Las Vegas incident, Friedman discusses how he barely thought there would've been a change seen by the government regarding gun control policies, but even that little hope was a disappointment. Friedman continues to say that in the event Stephen Paddock hadn't been a white American man labeled as "mentally ill" and had been a Muslim man, there might've been immediate enforcement by President Trump to do whatever it is to fix such an act of public "terrorism". However, because it had only been a white old male, society is expected to sit down with their mouths closed and justify the act by means of "mentally ill". America silently accepts the rage of a white man but if the