
Showing posts from November, 2017

Agreement Response

I entirely agree with RmKinney's post regarding the poor choices in candidates that were available to us in the recent 2016 election for presidency. As far as Trump and Clinton are concerned, they both definitely have faults that prevent this country from achieving any positive progression and far from any greatness. Although Clinton hasn't been sworn into presidency it can be expected from light that has shined on issues from her past that she would be a disgrace to many women out there to take office as the first female president. I also agree that Trump is definitely not a good current president and he is selfish in his own interests not concerned for the better good for the country. Having the house and senate majority republican gives the president an edge and having people working for him that agree with all his policies makes it easy for the president to shape the government in his favor and get things to work biased. It is unfortunate to see the day we live in a cou