Replying to machinery

I think that having everything being taken over my machinery and offering control to robots is detrimental to human society. I find it interesting that people are fond of these ideas and look forward to them. I feel as if with this implemented it will only be the start to everything that humans are surrounded with to turn into being robotized. At the rate we are going, the world is on a fast track to obesity if everything is being done for us. Something as little as preparing your own meals on a daily basis is the most physical activity some people get. Not only will this cause major problems as far as human involvement but it will decrease jobs all across the nation.

I agree that technology is focused on making our lives easier and less worrisome but I feel as if in the process of this a lot of negative side effects are being overlooked. With machinery at our disposable it will cause a huge decrease in jobs and people will find themselves being more and more unemployed. Having humans become in habit of doing minimal effort will only encourage people against meeting other members of society and soon enough the world will be isolated and lonely even while having the presence of the population.

Another problem that is possible is the machinery to provide these services being so expensive and while they are able to take away other jobs they are also unavailable to be used for people who cannot afford to have a fancy machine making their food. The only jobs that will actually be available will be for the people who are designing these machines, but eventually there will be a program that designs new inventions and machines on it's own too and then these people too will be out of business. In the end I see this future kitchen being the start to a downhill path for human improvement. I don't want to have my kitchen think when I am fully capable of thinking for myself.


Anonymous said…
Je suis Абрам Александр un homme d'affaires qui a pu relancer son entreprise forestière mourante grâce à l'aide d'un prêteur envoyé par Dieu connu sous le nom de Benjamin Lee le consultant en prêts. Je réside à Ekaterinbourg Екатеринбург. Eh bien, essayez-vous de démarrer une entreprise, de régler votre dette, d'agrandir votre entreprise existante, d'avoir besoin d'argent pour acheter des fournitures. Avez-vous eu du mal à essayer d'obtenir une bonne facilité de crédit, je veux que vous sachiez que M. Benjamin vous accompagnera. Est-ce le bon endroit pour que vous résolviez tous vos problèmes financiers parce que je suis un témoignage vivant et je ne peux pas le garder pour moi quand les autres cherchent un moyen d'être levé financièrement .. Je veux que vous contactiez tous ce prêteur envoyé par Dieu en utilisant les détails comme indiqué dans l'autre pour participer à cette grande opportunité Email: Ou WhatsApp / Text + 1-989-394-3740.

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